Tai Chi Bliss for Health
Tai Chi (Tai Chi Chuan) began as a healing/martial art form that combined martial arts movements with energy, circulation and stretching. Tai Chi’s healing and rejuvenation effects have been verified by scientific research including the CDC and is now a primary self-care practice. Tai Chi Bliss for Health is a component of Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for Health Institute’s – Tai Chi for Arthritis & Fall Prevention series. We use non-jarring, slow integrated movements to increase strength, flexibility and balance.
Internal benefits include increasing our mind/body connection, reducing stress and having more harmony with our selves, family and community. This improves DeStress Tolerance that can be a resource during normal day to day activities. Tai Chi has been called “a moving meditation” or “swimming in air”. Using our breath as our gentle guide, we have the opportunity to achieve Dr. Lam’s stated Tai Chi goal – to achieve harmony with nature … (beginning with our selves)!
Toni Selvey-Maddox, Tai Chi Instructor

Toni has meditated, taught Yoga philosophy and movement for over 40 years and seeks to live spiritual principles 24/7. She is a certified Tai Chi for Arthritis instructor. Her joyous blessings include three exceptional daughters with three grandchildren, sharing mind, body, spirit, self-care methods, being of service to family and community, dancing, and supporting her daughter’s healthcare business, Cincinnati Healing Arts. Toni cohosts weekly meditation and yoga philosophy classes with her husband Carleton.