College Hill Pilates and Physical Therapy LLC specializes in providing physical therapy care for dance students and professional dancers.
All physical therapy services at CHPPT are provided by Mindy Nagel, PT, DPT, OCS. As an expert in dance injury prevention and a former professional dancer herself, with many years of training and experience in ballet, jazz, and modern dance, Dr. Nagel is uniquely qualified to serve Cincinnati’s dance community.
In addition to treating dancers who have injuries or have recently undergone orthopedic surgery, Dr. Nagel provides pointe readiness screenings for young dance students. One-on-one evaluations are held at CHPPT’s office in College Hill and can be scheduled through our client portal, while screenings for multiple dancers typically are held on-site at dance studios and can be arranged by calling us at (513) 445-WELL (9355).
And finally, CHPPT offers one-on-one Pilates sessions as well as group mat classes, which are popular with dancers who want to improve their core strength, flexibility, and balance. Pilates also is an excellent option for those who have “graduated” from physical therapy, regardless of whether they dance.